EXPERIENCE Sometimes things go wrong. Tenants don't always do everything safely, & contractors don't always do what they're supposed to. TMT makes sure you're prepared for disaster, & is there for you if & when it happens. For this fire, we were on site within minutes, helping the fire department with crowd control, managing clean up and fire watch, & fielding reporters' questions through the night.
KNOWLEDGEABLE TMT handles emergencies on a daily basis. This means we know all about the latest technologies available to commercial service providers, & who knows how to use them. When you think you have an unsolveable problem, there's a good chance we know what to do & who to call. This is a line locator, which tells us within inches where the sewer line camera is, 8 feet below ground surface.

MAINTENANCE Even the most careful Landlords sometimes cannot prevent an environmental disaster. Here a harmful chemical was improperly disposed of, destroying the building's sewer line. TMT managed the repairs, investigation, and contracting of all appropriate parties to ensure that the Property Owner was in compliance with all local, state, & federal environmental laws and codes throughout characterization and remediation.
COMMUNITY TMT maintains close relationships with local authorities and is both experienced and familiar with jurisdictions, scopes of responsibility, and who to call when special services or emergency response are necessary at your commercial property. Here you will find the CCFD & LVMPD working closely together to get special investigation crews off of a high roof.

CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS TMT is certainly not a stranger to new construction Over the past three years alone TMT has brought online and managed from new construction five shopping centers across town. That number jumps to the teens if all new construction TMT properties were taken into consideration since inception of our company (1998).
24/7 EMERGENCY RESPONSE When a gate valve on a fire line drops, you have to take action - by law. TMT uses only the most professional and capable service providers in the valley. Here, you'll see heavy-duty equipment and a dedicated staff working through a Friday night to make repairs that absolutely could not wait. Tenants were inconvenienced for only minutes while this water line was being repaired.

“Fabulous Las Vegas is the home of The Management Team. We were founded here and operate exclusively in Las Vegas.”
Marna Rondeau, Broker & President